May 6, 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

This year's ANZAC dawn ceremony had a naval crew attend when they were docked in Port Taranaki. Also, shown here are some of the other year's sketches.
Some people have asked me how I can do a sketch like this. Well, here's some protips:
- Get there early and find that sweet spot. Good view for composition and in this case, good lighting - it was pretty dark.
- Start into it right away. You won't have that much time at something like this. Also, you might get cold and that will make it harder to draw. So draw before you get cold.
- Start getting in the stuff that won't move or won't get covered up by people as they arrive.
- Because when people start to arrive, it's all go on the people. (You thought you had no time before!)
- Try to draw all over and roughly get the whole scene in. You can clean up lines, fill in dark areas and colour stuff later. Once your subjects are gone though, that's it!
- Also, don't be afraid to do that stuff. Clean up lines, fill in dark areas and colour stuff later! It's totally allowed since it's your sketchbook. It's always better to draw on location but if you can't stay, or the subject isn't there anymore, there's no reason that you can't improve your drawings if you felt like it and are able to.

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